Thursday, August 20, 2009

A clue...

Awakened to the meaning of my heart
That to feel love and oneness is to live
And this the magic of our golden change

Is all the truth I know or seek, O sage!

Savitri - Sri Aurobindo

Thursday, August 13, 2009

... the tragedy continues

A little questionnaire - even if rhetorical - on human relationships

Photo by Jerry Segraves

Respond to the following with all due honesty.

1. How many times when in front of someone else, 'anyone' else do you really show yourself?**

2. Do you run away or hide? Choose one, or both.

3. What's your favorite hiding place:
a. your job
b. your religion
c. your wife, husband, girlfriend, boyfriend, mother, father, daughter, son... any relative
d. your beliefs
e. your political inclination
f. your title
g. all of the above
h. all of the above and more
i. something else
j. ???

4. What's your favorite excuse to run away:
a. I'm too busy (I have to study, work,... - emphasis on the have to)
b. I need to earn money (emphasis on the need to and money)
c. I'm tired, sleepy, sick,
d. I'm fat, tall, skinny, short, ugly, pretty,
e. I'm famous, infamous, powerful, a looser, important, unimportant, flawed, perfect
f. I'm too old, too young, stupid, intelligent,
g. "You are... any (or all of the above)..."
h. I like/dislike _______ (you name it)
i. All of the above
j. All of the above and more
k. Other
l. ???

It's not about the other, and at the same time it is...

** Ok, assuming you really know yourself.

Monday, August 10, 2009

The tragedy of being human...

and its beauty too.

Life is so short. Too short. In a blink of an eye:
civilizations have come and gone,
animal species have become extinct and new ones found,
we are born, we create - and destroy, we eat, sleep, talk - and become quiet, think, remember and forget, we die, others die,
we study, work, socialize, travel,
laugh, cry, enjoy, detest, worry, adore, hate...
generation after generation
changes, changes, changes: technological, historical, social, scientific...

However there is one thing that remains and I feel might be at the center of the tragedy: human relationships.

As I was walking, a nice sunny afternoon - blue skies, flowers smiling and leaves whispering silent secrets, cars passing by (not too fast, not too noisy), the occasional dog barking and the occasional child laughing - a revelation, filled with questions:

at the center of the doing, existing, there is a longing for the other.

Even the most cynical person (I'd say in denial) has this. We all do, all the time. That we forget, that is another thing. All the problems, struggles, sufferings, if sourced deep enough arise from this. Even the doings and convolutions we fall into by living the day by day, most often arise from this.

But the real revelation is that this search for the other, this longing, deep enough is a longing for ourselves, for that part of us that was lost somewhere, some time. A part that is always the same, always constant, perfect and beautiful, although putting nouns to it seems inaccurate.

Who am I? Who are you? Ask yourself this question long enough and you'll see what I mean...

That's the beauty of being human too.

But ssshhh [finger in lips] be quiet and careful, if you are too busy, you might miss it.