Wednesday, June 17, 2009

On life...

I've been putting a lot of attention to life. What is this thing called life? What is behind people's intentions and actions, words and dreams? What's behind my own?

I love observing the world around me as much as participating in it. Sometimes detaching myself a little bit helps in getting clarity about me and the rest of the world. It brings focus to the sometimes seemingly chaotic world. I watch people going on with their lives, following their routines, doing what they do. Some look happy, perhaps comfortable. Others look stressed and confused. A lot just seem to do what they do, 'just because'. I often get the sense that a lot of people do what they do not so much because they really want to, but because they are escaping something. A few times I have met people that really enjoy what they do and put themselves fully into it. Something shines with their doing.



  1. I can't remember the number exactly but it was about 80% of workers in the UK were not satisfied with their jobs. Jeez, so why don't they do what they want to do?

    From experience, personal and from what friends say, they don't know what they want to do. I think most haven't even questioned what they want to do and this is maybe down to thinking in such a way is stressful: thinking outside comfortable boundaries is a bit much for many. This is what I think they are escaping...

    Thanks for posting,


  2. Such a cute photo !

    Life can be tough, but I LOVE what I do.
    My "job" started out as a hobby, but took off.

    I only make so much of each product at a time as I want to enjoy it - always - and not let my craft become a chore.

    If my family were starving, that would change, but since I grow a lot of things in my organic gardens - I doubt that will come to be ;)

    I joined your blog and can't wait too read more :)

    Organically Yours,

  3. Hi Diana,
    Great to read about people that love what they do.
    Thanks for sharing!
