Monday, April 6, 2009

In a true aspiration to not succumb...

towards criticizing the affairs of our contemporary world I was trying to find a logical explanation, something that would explain what is happening to the sanity of the world. Suddenly this note found its way to me:

UK launches massive, one-year program to archive every email

Ok, I calm down, breathe deeply and think "well, I am sure their intentions are well meaning and are doing so in case a problem arises". "As the article says they have been able to find criminals as a result of this measure." Still... my other side won this argument: "Really? Is this a good thing?" I doubt it.

Isn't this a bit too much? Is this the beginning of a world where every movement is monitored by the government? Isn't the government also made of people? Who decides this sort of thing? Are people, the citizens even consulted about these measures?

I am baffled and I don't even live there myself... It reminds me of those great science fiction books like 1984 and A Brave New World.

Glad to read that Sweden, for example, "is reportedly ignoring the rule completely". Maybe in the future this will be some sort haven for those lost souls wanting freedom...

Big, long sigh.

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