Monday, April 6, 2009

Is the world going crazier...

or is it just me?

I was browsing through the newspaper this morning. A quick recap:

- Allergies on the rise (to food, environment...)
- Complaints about government systems that promise to be great but are a hassle in practice
- North Korea launching a missile, but most importantly the controversy that this has generated
- Somali pirates and their successful activities
- Women in Vietnam sold to men in other Asian countries to be married (against their will)
and it goes on and on...

So sure, I am posting only those that aren't too positive, from my point of view. However, I ask myself: do people in the past lived to this level of craziness? or is that we just become informed more easily?

Photo from Wikimedia

My sense is that both. Telecommunications have made it easier to know what's happening on the other side of the world, but also, my perception is that people are loosing it more (perhaps for the same reason).

I really think that the level of craziness is going to go up and up in the coming years (for good and not so good). We shall see...

What do you think?


  1. Definately, I vote for it being more crazy.

    Near future I can see there being much more thieving and crime due to the economic downturn and overpopulation. Further into the future the sheer weight of the world's population will cause many problems with food, water and sanitation.

    As we become more over-populated I'd hope that people would start to realise that we, as a race, are destructive in the way we live and need to change. Sadly this will not happen as so many are wallowing in ignorance like pigs in shit - I don't blame them, ignorance is indeed bliss.

    Sadly the answer to overpopulation will either be: man's squabbling over resources or religion resulting in nuclear warfare; nature stepping in and reminding mankind who runs this place.

    So, craziness is a dead cert for the future.

    What can we do? What we can, that's it and that's all that is needed... from everyone!

  2. Hello,
    I feel that there might be hope with the new technologies coming. However, it will very much depend on how we use them. I can envision something like nanotechnology solving some of the pollution problems, but let's hope it won't create other bigger ones.
    As to the increase in population... it is interesting because in some countries the government is giving incentives to couples to have more than two children. I think that their decision has to do with thinking 'who is going to take care (and produce) when the people in the 30-50 age bracket grow old. Some countries are expecting to have big problems because of this (their population becoming old and unproductive).
    Interesting times...
    Thanks for your comment!

  3. Sculpture, copper alloy, Bettina Luedicke, Berlin/ DE

  4. Thanks for publishing my artwork, TOWER I, 2006

    Bettina Lüdicke, Berlin
