Friday, April 24, 2009

What moves viruses?

How fascinating...

I was reading about the outbreak of swine flu in Mexico and how 'experts' fear it becoming a pandemic. Will it?

I find the topic of viruses and bacteria (micro organisms in general) so interesting. How is it that they infect some while not others? What makes someone prone to infection? What is the interaction between these and the cells in the body?

Adenovirus, from wikimedia commons

Sure, these questions can be answered from the medical perspective, but I want to go beyond these answers. For example, I was reading about the etymology of the word Influenza. Wikipedia says:

"The word Influenza comes from the Italian language and refers to the cause of the disease; initially, this ascribed illness to unfavorable astrological influences. Changes in medical thought led to its modification to influenza del freddo, meaning "influence of the cold". The word influenza was first used in English in 1743 when it was adopted, with an anglicized pronunciation, during an outbreak of the disease in Europe...."

This is where things start to become interesting. It says that the original word captured the cause of the disease as the result of 'unfavorable astrological influences'. Did I just read 'astrological influences'? [Smile.]

In the past I used to think that getting sick as a result of a viral influence was like having something parasitic come into my system and lodge there. Like a piece of dirt that can be removed with proper disinfectants. However my views have changed over the years. Sure, a virus is something that infects the body and, when it overpowers the balance systems in the body a person becomes sick. However I couldn't say that a virus is just an 'organism' [1] that comes and stays. Most viruses are highly contagious. The survival fight they launch is fierce. Their power is not necessarily individual but as a group. When they start to infect and replicate they can decimate large populations of people. There are forces behind these little buggers. And these forces are usually quite sharp and intense. In fact, if you have a close look at them, they are only made of information [2]. Look at some of their shapes... they carry something. Some even are extremely beautiful: geometrical forms so tiny and 'perfect', ever ready to attack and infect.

It has been my perception that outbreaks like the one in Mexico are often a sign of something else. Some sort of force (and here, please avoid interpreting my words with some tint of paranoia). I think there is much more to see about viruses and their 'power' than what has been explored so far. What moves these forces behind virus outbreaks? What makes certain people more prone to be infected than other people? Not all viruses infect everyone and maybe these predispositions can hint some answers as much as the fact that there could be astrological forces linked to these outbreaks. After all, despite scientific skepticism, astrology was considered an important influence in many, many ancient traditions - that have shaped what we are today. [3]

Virus are moved by forces that interact with our physical bodies. They can change and modify them through their infection, to the point that malformations and growths can occur. Have a look - if you have the belly for it - at this man's hands and feet infected with the human papilloma virus. Who needs genetic engineers when there are viruses to do the job?

Perhaps that is what Sri Aurobindo meant in the quote I last posted and as long as every cell in the body stops responding to 'whatever forces' except the One Force, then we are all prone to becoming sick.

The question remains, what force is behind this outbreak in Mexico? (Or any other outbreak for that matter...)

[1] The idea of viruses being organisms is still debated as they don't have the ability to metabolize food and lack their own cellular structure.
[2] Comparing the action of computer viruses to 'biological' viruses can be quite interesting from this perspective.
[3] I tend to believe that in the not so distant future astrology will be re-considered as an important source of information for some of these so called skeptics.

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