Monday, March 9, 2009

Everything's Amazing, Nobody's Happy - OK I AM.

I was watching today the already old video where Conan O´Brien interviews Louis CK

It is so true! Most of us have adapted so fast to all things technological. Earlier today my internet connection dropped and although I was not cursing and screaming, it was a nuisance. We - most of us - have gotten used to these things. We expect them to work and do it well and fast. How frustrating can it be when you are wanting to work and have 3, 4 tabs open and the connection is taking aaaages. We want things faster and better, ALL the time.

We have lost wonder for these things.

Technology changes at such a fast pace that not much makes our eyes open wide. We expect for improvements all the time. Only totally unthinkable new inventions surprise us - sometimes. How many times do we get to think about how things work? How many things had to happen for me to be able to sit here and write this post:

discoveries and inventions like electricity, telephones, radio waves, microchips, keyboards and screens, an alphabet thats comprehensive by most, blogs... not to mention having the privilege of being in a country were there is peace, where I do not have to worry first about what I am going to eat today, being healthy, having a somewhat coherent mind, and so on...

It is AMAZING and I speak for myself here, AND I am happy. [At least right now.]

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