Sunday, March 29, 2009

Sixth sensing your environment with technology

I recently received a link to this video on and I decided to post it here.

There was a time in my life when I was addicted to science fiction. I devoured most of the usual books on the topic, a classic one being the Foundation series of Asimov. Science fiction fed a part of me that is not too easy to satiate.

Nowadays there are sooo many cool things being developed that were just hints in those books. Some which are probably not too public yet. This video shows one of many gadgets that exemplify how virtual realities are going to interact more with real reality. It's really cool.

It's called sixthsense and it is a device (mix of mobile device, camera, mirror and projector) that gives you more information of real objects through hand gestures.

Also check
Pranav Mistry's website (one of the developers). He has other really interesting projects.

Thinking about technologies in the next 10 years just blow my mind. Just imagine what the combination of nanotechnology, artificial intelligence and genetic engineering can create (for good or not so good). The world as we know it promises to be a very, very different place not too far from today.

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