Sunday, March 8, 2009

On religions and spirituality...

One last comment before attempting to move on.

It is sad to see that many religious people, that follow the dogmas of their 'faith', miss the point completely. I have friends that grew up, as I did, breathing the Catholic influence. Some of them pretend, like those people I used to look up to at church, to be very religious and in touch with God. Yet, they are highly judgmental of anything that is not their religion, as if afraid that if they were to ask a few questions and inquire within they would go to hell.

God is not about fear, it is not about separation, it is not about judgment. At least not the God I have experienced (read me well,
experienced, not believed in). This Divine being is about Love and Truth and Union.

Interestingly if some of these people locked in their boxes were to do a little research on how religions came about, they would be surprised to see that what they belief is a result of years and years of transformation and that some of the most important religions actually originate in the same principles and ideas. It is only the workings of time (and perhaps political, social and or economical interests) that have made them what they are now.

I am not an expert here, but I remember reading about the origins of Catholicism and was baffled to see how much beauty there was back then. Esoteric Christianity, phew... and so on. I used to be so critical about Catholicism, rejecting absolutely everything there is about it, until I did my research. I think the form it has taken now is so distant from its original essence. Same probably for most dogmatic religions that ask people to have faith in something that they can't even experience themselves.

The art of things becoming corrupted. Well, not really an art.

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